February 2008

By Ray McGovern ICH 02/10/08

After one spends 45 years in Washington, high farce does not normally throw one off balance. I found the past few days, however, an acid test of my equilibrium. (more…)

By Chalmers Johnson Le Monde Diplomatique February 2008

Global confidence in the US economy has reached zero, as was proved by last month’s stock market meltdown. But there is an enormous anomaly in the US economy above and beyond the subprime mortgage crisis, the housing bubble and the prospect of recession: 60 years of misallocation of resources, and borrowings, to the establishment and maintenance of a military-industrial complex as the basis of the nation’s economic life (more…)

Dr. Dhafir’s appeals brief was filed yestreday and it will be available on this website very soon.

Kevin Zeese OpEdNews.com 2/8/08

Former Presidential Candidate Who Advocated Peace and Impeachment Facing Well-Financed Challenge at Home (more…)

The Bush Bust of ’08

By Mike Whitney Information Clearing House 2/7/08

“I just saw a picture Bernanke stripped to the waist in the boiler-room shoveling greenbacks into the furnace.” Rob Dawg, Calculated Risk blog-site

On January 14, 2008 the FDIC web site began posting the rules for reimbursing depositors in the event of a bank failure. (more…)

Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer 2/6/08

A lawsuit accusing a San Jose flight-planning company of helping the CIA transport prisoners to overseas torture chambers must be dismissed because it would risk exposing state secrets, a Bush administration lawyer argued Tuesday to a federal judge, who seemed to reluctantly agree. (more…)

MARCH 6, 2008, 7:00 PM

My Roommate

By VIJAY PRASHAD Counterpunch 2/6/08

I first saw him at an event for new graduate students. The Indian-looking people in the room gravitated to each other. It turned out that three of us lived in the same building, across from the Midway, on the borderlands between the university (the most policed space I have ever lived in) and the ghetto. (more…)

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