Glenn Greenwald Guardian U.K.
Pew finds that, for the first time since 9/11, Americans are now more worried about civil liberties abuses than terrorism (more…)
Mon 29 Jul 2013
Glenn Greenwald Guardian U.K.
Pew finds that, for the first time since 9/11, Americans are now more worried about civil liberties abuses than terrorism (more…)
Sat 27 Jul 2013
Yochai Benkler Guardian U.K.
Since the 9/11 trauma, America has allowed the national security state to ride roughshod over vital liberties. (more…)
Fri 26 Jul 2013
More than a month after Edward Snowden’s leaks became public, his dad, Lon Snowden, spoke about his son and the country’s perception of him with TODAY’s Matt Lauer. (more…)
Fri 26 Jul 2013
Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Mickie Lynn
Fri 26 Jul 2013
Michael Hudson ICH
Yesterday President Obama chose Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois (originally founded by anti-slavery activists in the 1830s) to float the economic program he has been working out with Wall Street investment bankers. His aim is to wrap this program in a democratic rhetoric. (more…)
Fri 26 Jul 2013
Glenn Greenwald Guardian U.K.
One of the worst myths Democratic partisans love to tell themselves – and everyone else – is that the GOP refuses to support President Obama no matter what he does. (more…)
Fri 26 Jul 2013
The U.S. government has demanded that major Internet companies divulge users’ stored passwords, according to two industry sources familiar with these orders, which represent an escalation in surveillance techniques that has not previously been disclosed. (more…)
Tue 23 Jul 2013
Abdulelah Haider Shaye, a Yemeni journalist who was kept in prison for three years at the request of the Obama administration after he uncovered a deadly U.S. drone strike in which dozens of innocent Yemeni civilians were killed, was finally released from prison on Tuesday. (more…)