January 2015
Monthly Archive
Fri 30 Jan 2015
New York Police Department commissioner Bill Bratton on Thursday unveiled plans for a new “anti-terrorism strike force” that would designate 350 officers to respond to special emergencies—including public protests—with a new wave of machine guns, long rifles, advanced technology, and “extra protective gear.” (more…)
Thu 29 Jan 2015
Oxfam reports that just 80 people possess the same quantity of wealth as 3.5 billion others. On RT’s Crosstalk, economist Michael Hudson discusses how this happened with Oxfam official Max Lawson and Richard Wellings at London’s Institute for Economic Affairs. (more…)
Thu 29 Jan 2015
SYDNEY—The United States has acknowledged that the conviction of an Australian man held for nearly six years in Guantanamo Bay was not legally valid. (more…)
Tue 27 Jan 2015
The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting began in Davos, Switzerland. The meeting convenes “global leaders from across business, government, international organizations, academia and civil society for strategic dialogues which map the key transformations reshaping the world.” The hope is that the dialogue will lead to action on the part of the participating nations to improve conditions in their own communities, with an understanding that we are all globally connected. The idea is that the actions in one community can affect another anywhere in the world. (more…)
Thu 22 Jan 2015
The Sparrow Project
[DALLAS, TX] Imprisoned journalist and activist Barrett Brown was sentenced in a Dallas Federal Court this morning to 63 months of incarceration within the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Brown, a contributor to Vanity Fair and The Guardian, has already been detained for 28 months on charges stemming from his proximity to sources in the underground hacker collective Anonymous. (more…)
Thu 22 Jan 2015
Andrew P. Napolitano Antiwar.com
While the Western world was watching and grieving over the slaughter in Paris last week, and my colleagues in the media were fomenting a meaningless debate about whether President Obama should have gone to Paris to participate in a televised parade, the feds took advantage of that diversion to reveal even more incursions into our liberties than we had known about. (more…)
Thu 22 Jan 2015
Morris Davis Guardian U.K.
Six military commissions have been completed since they were first authorised by George Bush in November 2001. Five of the six men convicted and sentenced as war criminals – Hicks, Hamdan, Khadr, al-Qosi and Noor Uthman Mohammed – are now back in their home countries. (Hamdan and Mohammed have since been cleared.) What does it say about American justice when a person fares better being a convicted war criminal than someone we could not even charge? (more…)
Wed 21 Jan 2015
Independent U.K.
The former US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld should be charged with conspiracy to torture in light of the alleged ill-treatment – including sexual abuse – documented by Mohamedou Ould Slahi during his 12 years detention without charge in Guantanamo Bay, his lawyer has claimed. (more…)
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