February 2008

Felicity Arbuthnot unobserver.com 2/5/08

On Holocaust Memorial Day I wrote an article reminding of other holocausts currently taking place, for which America and its little lackey, Britain, are either responsible, or supportive: Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza. (more…)

By ALLAN NAIRN Counterpunch 1/6/08

As Americans went to the polls, a very brave man from the Mayan highlands remarked in Spain that when he returned to his mother’s house once the US-backed Guatemalan army had gotten through with it, he found that his entire family had been “carbonized,” i.e. burnt carbon-black and crispy. (more…)

The Mother of All Snowballs

By KENNETH COUESBOUC Counterpunch 2/1/08

To understand the constant fluctuation of prices, it is wise to begin by looking at the way prices are determined. The value of a commodity is the sum of the values that went into its production. (more…)

By Brenda Norrell bsnorrell.blogspot.com 2/4/08

TUCSON — The dialogue in a federal courtroom here evolved into a healing balm, revealing a nation, the United States, that the world has grown weary of, and a growing number of aging Americans willing to serve time in prison to expose the cancer within. (more…)

By William Fisher BillFisher.blogspot.com 2/3/08

When George W. Bush signed the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act into law last week, he again thumbed his nose at Congress by taking a second now-familiar step: He issued a “Signing Statement” — a declaration that effectively asserts his authority to ignore parts of the law he disagrees with. (more…)

Toward Unity and Independence Against the Empire

By FIDEL CASTRO Counterpunch 2/3/08

Havana: He spontaneously decided to visit Cuba for the second time since he became President of Brazil, even though the state of my health did not guarantee that he would be able to meet with me. (more…)

William Blum The Anti-Empire Report 2/2/08

Have you by chance noticed that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has become virtually a country? With more international rights and military power than almost any other country in the world? (more…)

A documentary film by John Pilger

‘Global economy’ is a modern Orwellian term. On the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald’s, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net. Beneath this gloss, it is the globalisation of poverty, a world where most human beings never make a phone call and live on less than two dollars a day, where 6,000 children die every day from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water. (more…)

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