September 2010

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger says that while the dangers of Rupert Murdoch’s dominance are understood, the role played by the respectable media, such as the New York Times and the BBC, notably in the promotion of colonial wars, is at least as important. (more…)

For More Information, Contact Steve Downs at 518/767-0102 or Lynne Jackson at 518/366-7324
ALBANY, NY – Albany area peace and justice activists are calling for a demonstration outside of the Leo O’Brien Federal Building on North Pearl Street for 5 pm – 6 pm on Wednesday, 9/29/10 (more…)

William Fisher IPS 9/27/10

NEW YORK, Sep 27, 2010 (IPS) – Hundreds of people who believe they were falsely detained and imprisoned by the Department of Justice in the wake of the Sep. 11, 2001 attacks are now seeking redress through the U.S. courts. (more…)

The world’s most powerful woman will start coming into her own next weekend. Stocky and forceful at 63, this former leader of the resistance to a Western-backed military dictatorship (which tortured her) is preparing to take her place as President of Brazil. (more…)

Chris Floyd Empire Burlesque 9/25/10

I’m sure that if I had met Paul Craig Roberts 25 years ago — or indeed, had even known of his existence — I would have felt strongly antagonistic toward this Reagan Administration apparatchik and all that he stood for. And for all I know, if I met him today, I still might find that we were at loggerheads on some issues, maybe many issues.

But I must say there are few people out there today speaking truth about power with the unblinking, unvarnished ferocity of Roberts. (more…)

Andy Worthington

To be honest, I can hardly express sufficiently my shock at the news that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani neuroscientist who was rendered to the US to face a trial after she reportedly tried – and failed – to shoot two US soldiers in Ghazni, Afghanistan in July 2008, has been sentenced to 86 years in prison.  (more…)

David Goodner, a former member of the University of Iowa’s Antiwar Committee, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for files associated with an FBI surveillance of groups in Iowa City prior to the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. What he discovered was the investigation was far more extensive than previously known. (more…)


More private contractors than soldiers were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent months, the first time in history that corporate casualties have outweighed military losses on America’s battlefields.(more…)

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