It was the worst winter in 200 years and I had never worn a scarf or owned a coat.
John Pilger New Statesman
England is two countries. One is dominated by London, the other remains in its shadow. (more…)
Sat 30 Nov 2013
It was the worst winter in 200 years and I had never worn a scarf or owned a coat.
John Pilger New Statesman
England is two countries. One is dominated by London, the other remains in its shadow. (more…)
Sat 30 Nov 2013
Launched this week on the streets of D.C: Buses with signs reading, “Thank You to Edward Snowden – We the People Say No to the Surveillance State.” Brought to you by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fun, whose ongoing, crowd-funded campaign was so successful they’ve expanded the project. (more…)
Sat 23 Nov 2013
Government lawyers are demanding that the US District Court immediately throw out an ACLU lawsuit against NSA surveillance, insisting that there is no avenue by which “ordinary Americans” could even theoretically challenge its legality. (more…)
Fri 22 Nov 2013
Juan Cole
The Guardian and Channel 4 News report that Tony Blair allowed the US National Security Agency to spy on millions of Britons, and to record and store their browser history and email. (more…)
Wed 20 Nov 2013
I spent most of my career studying the economic pressures on middle class families – families who worked hard, who played by the rules, but who still found themselves hanging on by their fingernails. Starting in the 1970s, even as workers became more productive, their wages flattened out, while core expenses, things like housing and health care and sending a kid to college, just kept going up. (more…)
Wed 20 Nov 2013
I am frightened for my children, because of the world we are creating. (more…)
Tue 19 Nov 2013
FISA court judge who authorised massive tapping of metadata was hesitant but felt she could not stand in the way (more…)
Sat 9 Nov 2013
A former Texas prosecutor who won a conviction that sent an innocent man to prison for nearly 25 years agreed Friday to serve 10 days in jail and complete 500 hours of community service. (more…)