April 2011
Monthly Archive
Sat 23 Apr 2011
Glenn Greenwald Salon 4/23/11
Protesters yesterday interrupted President’s Obama speech at a $5,000/ticket San Francisco fundraiser to demand improved treatment for Bradley Manning. After the speech, one of the protesters, Logan Price, approached Obama and questioned him. Obama’s responses are revealing on multiple levels. (more…)
Sat 23 Apr 2011
In a surprise move by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Albany, New York’s Imam Yassin Aref, who was serving a 10-year sentence inside the Communications Management Unit (CMU) in Marion, Illionois, has been moved to the general prison population. (more…)
Sun 17 Apr 2011
Andy Stepanian Mondoweiss 4/07/11
My friend Noor has beautiful eyes, but today they look sad. Â Noor’s grandfather passed away and she has had no way of letting her father know because the simple forms of communication all of us take for granted can’t help her reach out to her father with this news. Â (more…)
Sun 17 Apr 2011
Attorney Stephen Downs of Project Salam and The National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms spoke in Rochester on Tuesday at the invitation of Progressives In Action.   His subject was the ‘preemptive prosecution’ of Muslims in the U.S.
Sat 16 Apr 2011
David Kay Johnston Williamette Week 4/13/11
For three decades we have conducted a massive economic experiment, testing a theory known as supply-side economics. Â (more…)
Sat 16 Apr 2011
Former military intel analyst shares his thoughts on the motive of alleged leaks (more…)
Thu 14 Apr 2011
American Radical is the probing, definitive documentary about Jewish-American political scientist Norman Finkelstein.  (more…)
Thu 14 Apr 2011
Glenn Greenwald Salon 4/14/11
Of all the topics on which I’ve focused, I’ve likely written most about America’s two-tiered justice system — the way in which political and financial elites now enjoy virtually full-scale legal immunity for even the most egregious lawbreaking, while ordinary Americans, especially the poor and racial and ethnic minorities, are subjected to exactly the opposite treatment (more…)
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