Naomi Wolf  Guardian U.K.
By placing journalists in jeopardy for reporting on ‘terrorists’, the Homeland Battlefield Bill has had a chilling effect on media work (more…)
Thu 29 Mar 2012
Naomi Wolf  Guardian U.K.
By placing journalists in jeopardy for reporting on ‘terrorists’, the Homeland Battlefield Bill has had a chilling effect on media work (more…)
Wed 28 Mar 2012
Climate activist Tim DeChristopher, who is serving a two-year sentence for unlawfully disrupting a Bureau of Land Management gas and drilling lease auction in 2008, has been moved from the minimum security section at the Herlong Federal Correction Facility in California to a more restrictive and isolating housing unit. (more…)
Wed 28 Mar 2012
Paul Harris Guardian U.K.
Khalifah al-Akili emailed the Guardian shortly before his arrest to say he thought he was the target of an ‘entrapment’ sting (more…)
Tue 27 Mar 2012
Glenn Greenwald Salon
The ACLU is suing the Obama administration under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), seeking to force disclosure of the guidelines used by Obama officials to select which human beings (both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals) will have their lives ended by the CIA’s drone attacks (more…)
Mon 26 Mar 2012
On Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder signed expansive new guidelines for terrorism analysts, allowing the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) to mirror entire federal databases containing personal information and hold onto the information for an extended period of time–even if the person is not suspected of any involvement in terrorism. (more…)
Mon 26 Mar 2012
Chris Hedges Truthdig
The NDAA implodes our most cherished constitutional protections. It permits the military to function on U.S. soil as a civilian law enforcement agency. It authorizes the executive branch to order the military to selectively suspend due process and habeas corpus for citizens. (more…)
Sun 25 Mar 2012
As documents reveal the NYPD spied on liberal political groups, Jordan Flaherty tells how he was monitored in Louisiana (more…)
Fri 23 Mar 2012
The document provides the latest example of how, in the name of fighting terrorism, law enforcement agencies around the country have scrutinized groups that legally oppose government policies. (more…)