June 2011
Monthly Archive
Thu 30 Jun 2011
Graham Rayman The Village Voice 6/29/11
In a case absolutely choking with troubling questions about the behavior of the FBI and a paid informant, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon still levied the tough sentence on three of the so-called Newburgh 4 (more…)
Sun 26 Jun 2011
Glenn Greenwald  Salon 6/23/11
The Obama DOJ’s effort to force New York Times investigative journalist Jim Risen to testify in a whistleblower prosecution and reveal his source is really remarkable and revealing in several ways; it should be receiving much more attention than it is. (more…)
Sat 25 Jun 2011
And Want Politicians To Love It Too
Private prison companies have helped fuel government policies which lead to an increase in prison population and boost their profits, according to a recent report. (more…)
Sat 25 Jun 2011
Consider Paul Allen, 55, a former mortgage CEO who defrauded lenders of over $3 billion. This week, prosecutors celebrated the fact they got him a 40-month prison sentence. Consider Roy Brown, 54, a hungry homeless man (more…)
Fri 24 Jun 2011
Democracy Now!
A new documentary, “If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front,” tells the story of environmental activist Daniel McGowan. Four years ago this month, McGowan was sentenced to a seven-year term (more…)
Fri 24 Jun 2011
John Pilger johnpilger.com 6/23/11
One of the most original and provocative books of the past decade is Disciplined Minds by Jeff Schmidt (Rowman & Littlefield). “A critical look at salaried professionals,” says the cover, “and the soul-battering system that shapes their lives.” (more…)
Fri 24 Jun 2011
Glenn Greenwald Salon 6/22/11
In late May, two Iraqi nationals, who were in the U.S. legally, were arrested in Kentucky and indicted on a variety of Terrorism crimes. InThe Washington Posttoday, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (more…)
Wed 22 Jun 2011
The death of Parliament Square’s longstanding Iraq war protester marks the end of a historic enterprise
Tony Benn Guardian U.K.
Brian Haw was a man of principle and a man of action who took his campaign against the Iraq war to Parliament Square opposite the House of Commons and stayed there for years (more…)
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