by Jared Goldstein 9/28/06
Mohammed Daihani is a Kuwaiti accountant imprisoned by the United States at Guantanamo Bay for almost four years. I was one of the lawyers who brought a suit for habeas corpus on Mr. Daihani’s behalf, asking for an explanation of why the government was imprisoning him. (more…)
September 2006
Sat 30 Sep 2006
Habeas Corpus Must Not be Sacrificed in War on Terror
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , Globalization/EmpireNo Comments
Sat 30 Sep 2006
by Ed Kinane 9/30/06
It’s frightening that, at this time and in this nation, torture must be discussed as if it were a legitimate issue. What’s next — the pros and cons of child molestation? (more…)
Sat 30 Sep 2006
A Personal Declaration of Independence
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , Globalization/EmpireNo Comments
I refuse to accept as my government actions by the current administration and its obsequious servants, the Republican Congress and the Republican Senate.
By William A. Cook ICH 9/29/06 (more…)
Fri 29 Sep 2006
By Mike Whitney  ICH 9/29/06
It was another bad week in Iraq. While bodies were piling up in the Baghdad morgue and the militia fighting steadily intensified, the Bush administration was hit with a rash of PR scandals that are bound to erode public support for the war. (more…)
Fri 29 Sep 2006
Where are the voices?
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , Globalization/EmpireNo Comments
The shame of silence in the face of Israeli and US crimes
Paul J. Balles Redress Information and Analysis 9/29/06
Paul J. Balles voices his shame at the silence of world civic leaders – professors, ministers, attorneys, medical professionals, judges – in the face of the crimes committed Israel and its patron, the USA. (more…)
Fri 29 Sep 2006
By William Rivers Pitt   Truthout 9/29/06
    I have been told a thousand times at least, in the years I have spent reporting on the astonishing and repugnant abuses, lies and failures of the Bush administration, to watch my back. (more…)
Thu 28 Sep 2006
‘All the Laws But One’: Parsing the Military Commissions Bill
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , Globalization/EmpireNo Comments
From: 9/25/06
JURIST Guest Columnist Benjamin Davis of the University of Toledo College of Law says that the overall theme of the “compromise” military commissions bill seems to be the highly-problematic creation of a unique legal regime for a specific group of human beings intentionally cut off from all other domestic and international legal processes… (more…)
Thu 28 Sep 2006
by Jonathan Hafetz Baltimore Sun 9/22/06
More than two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Rasul v. Bush that prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have the right to challenge their detention in federal court through habeas corpus. No longer, the court said, could Guantanamo operate as a prison beyond the law. (more…)