July 2009

William Fisher   IPS 7/16/09

While President Barack Obama conceded in his speech in Cairo last month that U.S. rules on charitable giving “have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation”, civil rights advocates are pressing the president to turn his words into action. (more…)

Joanne Mariner Findlaw 6/30/09

The Obama administration has introduced a new lexicon that includes words like “fairness,” “values,” and “the Constitution.” But there are worrying signs, as the new government’s policies develop, that its change in vocabulary is more striking than its change in ideas. (more…)

Chandra Muzaffar JUST 7/13/09

While the German authorities have shown a certain degree of sensitivity in their handling of the issues arising from the murder of a 32 year old Egyptian woman, Marwa al-Sherbini, in a German court room on the 1st of July 2009, the tragic incident has highlighted (more…)

This post provides an overview for people who heard about Dr. Dhafir’s case at the recent National Assembly Conference:

Dhafir Case Summary

ACLU Statement on the case. (more…)

Yvonne Ridley  dailymuslims.com 7/10/09

DR AFIYA SIDDIQUI cut a lone figure as she slowly turned her head around to survey the packed courtroom in New York a few days ago.
With her sad brown eyes, she peered beyond her off-white veil and olive green jilbaab which covered her frail body. (more…)

By William Fisher  The Public Record 7/07/09

U.S. authorities detain thousands of people each year solely on the basis of religion, race or nationality, the American Civil Liberties Union charges in a new report to the United Nations. (more…)

by Pamela Hess AP 7/11/09

WASHINGTON – The Bush administration built an unprecedented surveillance operation to pull in mountains of information far beyond the warrantless wiretapping previously acknowledged, a team of federal inspectors general reported Friday, questioning the legal basis for the effort but shielding almost all details on grounds they’re still too secret to reveal.  (more…)

By David Swanson Let’s Try Democracy 7/13/09

This moment, in which the Attorney General of the United States claims to be considering the possibility of allowing our laws against torture to be enforced seems a good one in which to reveal that I have seen over 1,200 torture photos and a dozen videos that are in the possession of the United States military. These are photographs depicting torture, the victims of torture, and other inhuman and degrading treatment. (more…)

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