July 2009

The Obama Doctrine?
By Michael Schwartz Tomdispatch 7/09/09

Here’s how reporters Steven Lee Myers and Marc Santora of the New York Times described the highly touted American withdrawal from Iraq’s cities last week (more…)

John Pilger New Statesman 7/09/09

Liberals say that the United States is once again a “nation of moral ideals”, but behind the façade little has changed. With his government of warmongers, Wall Street cronies and polluters from the Bush and Clinton eras, Barack Obama is merely upholding the myths of a divine America (more…)

From Steve Downs Esq.  Project SALAM

I am requesting that you send me the names of any groups that you know of who are supporting Muslims, even if the group is no more than just family relations. (And if you could include their Congressional Districts and nearby Congressional Districts I would be especially happy).   I am particularly interested in getting the names of Muslims support groups, because I have a feeling the Muslim and non-Muslim communities have been on parallel paths for some time without necessarily coming into contact with each other.  I would like to be able to create a complete list of all the groups or persons who are supporting our effort to free falsely imprisoned Muslims. (more…)

Glenn Greenwald  Salon 7/08/09

Spencer Ackerman yesterday attended a Senate hearing at which the DOD’s General Counsel, Jeh Johnson, testified.  As Ackerman highlighted, Johnson actually said that even for those detainees to whom the Obama administration deigns to give a real trial in a real court, the President has the power to continue to imprison them indefinitely even if they are acquitted at their trial.(more…)

July 10th to 12th, 2009, La Roche College, Pittsburg

National Assembly to end the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations (more…)

Katherine will be speaking about Dr. Dhafir’s case in one of the workshops.

Vijay Prashad   7/05/09

On January 3, 2009 Historians Against the War met at the Sheraton in New York City during the annual convention of the American Historical Association for a panel discussion on “The Bush-Cheney Administration.”(more…)

Glenn Greenwald  Salon 7/06/09

For all the Serious analysis about the War on Terror, so much of it has been driven by nothing more complex or noble than sheer hostility towards Muslims.  Muslims generally — not just Al Qaeda — replaced Communists as our New Enemy and became the new enabling force for our endless state of War and never-ending expansions of executive power. (more…)

Arundhati Roy  7/05/09

The question here, really, is what have we done to democracy? What have we turned it into? What happens once democracy has been used up? When it has been hollowed out and emptied of meaning? What happens when each of its institutions has metastasised into something dangerous? What happens now that democracy and the Free Market have fused into a single predatory organism with a thin, constricted imagination that revolves almost entirely around the idea of maximising profit? (more…)

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