August 2008

By John Pilger 8/06/08

In an article for the Guardian on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, John Pilger describes the ‘progression of lies’ from the dust of that detonated city, to the wars of today – and the threatened attack on Iran. (more…)

William Fisher Huffington Post 8/05/08

Millions of words have been written and spoken about the politicization of the Department of Justice before, during and after the departure of Alberto Gonzales. But the silence on two of the DOJ’s most toxic practices has been deafening. (more…)

“Here, Broken Laws Be Left … ”

By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Counterpunch 8/05/08

In last weekend’s edition of CounterPunch, Alexander Cockburn updates the ongoing persecution of Sami Al-Arian by federal prosecutors. Al-Arian was a Florida university professor of computer science who was ensnared by the Bush Regime’s need to produce “terrorists” in order to keep Americans fearful and, thereby, amenable to the Bush Regime’s assault on US civil liberties. (more…)

State, Local and Private Pensions

By MICHAEL HUDSON Counterpunch 7/30/08

The great economic fight of our epoch is being waged by the FIRE sector — Finance, Insurance and Real Estate — against the industrial economy and consumers. Its objective is to maximize property prices and the volume of debt relative to what labor and industry are able to earn. (more…)

Since the terrorist attacks of 9-11, Muslims, Sikhs, Arabs and South Asians have endured particular scrutiny by law enforcement — and in some cases, questioning and searches that infringe fundamental rights at the core of the Constitution. In this climate, it is vital that members of our communities inform themselves about our rights as Americans.

Watch This Video: It will give you crucial Information about how to protect you and your family when approached by law enforcement. (more…)

Cageprisoners demand answers on Siddiqui custody 8/04/08

FBI admit to detention of Aafia Siddiqui five years after disappearance (more…)

By William Greider The Nation 7/30/08

Washington can act with breathtaking urgency when the right people want something done. In this case, the people are Wall Street’s titans, who are scared witless at the prospect of their historic implosion. Congress quickly agreed to enact a gargantuan bailout, with more to come, to calm the anxieties and halt the deflation of Wall Street giants. Put aside partisan bickering, no time for hearings, no need to think through the deeper implications. We haven’t seen “bipartisan cooperation” like this since Washington decided to invade Iraq. (more…)

Sami El Haj, Al Jazeera Journalist, Tells His Story

By Silvia Cattori Information Clearing House 8/02/08

Standing straight and tall, an impressive and deeply introspective man, Sami El Haj walks with a limp and the help of a walking stick. Neither laughter nor smiles light up the refined face of this man, old before his time. A deep sadness pervades him. He was 32 years old when, in December 2001, his life, like that of tens of thousands of other Muslims, became a horrific nightmare. (more…)

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