September 2006

By Dean Baker  Truthout 9/13/06

    Most people didn’t see this headline, because the deficit that just soared to a new record was the trade deficit, not the budget deficit. The newly released trade data for July showed the deficit running at an annual rate of almost $820 billion, more than 6 percent of GDP. (more…)

Human rights groups and several public inquiries in Europe have found the U.S. government, with the complicity of numerous governments worldwide, to be engaged in the illegal practice of extraordinary rendition, secret detention, and torture. (more…)

By Stephen Lendman Information Clearing House

The US-led aggression in the Middle East and the three failed attempts to oust Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez since 2002 (with a fourth now planned and likely to be implemented soon) are just the latest examples of this country’s imperial agenda and the “new world order” it has in mind. (more…)

FBI agent details how informant was used to build case against Albany mosque leader, pizza shop owner
By BRENDAN J. LYONS, Senior writer 9/15/06

ALBANY — Mohammed Hossain was working at his Central Avenue pizza shop three years ago when the FBI made their play for him. (more…)

The news that doesn’t make the front pages or the BBC bulletins is ‘slow news’. For example, the resistance to foreign power by the Palestinians, ordinary Iraqis and Afghans is ‘slow news’ while the internecine machinations of Bush and Blair is ‘regular news’.

By John Pilger (more…)

Gareth Porter 9/13/06

Gareth Porter is a historian and national security policy analyst. His latest book,Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam was published in June 2005.

George Bush’s new argument that Iran and Hezbollah are part of the same terrorist network as al-Qaida turns the recent history of international politics on its head (more…)

John Pilger pays tribute to ‘that most powerful and subversive medium, the political documentary’ – ‘at its best, fearless, and able to show the politically unpalatable and to make sense of the news’ and he urges support for those, like ‘citizen’ documentary makers, who break through the insidious censorship of ‘current affairs’. (more…)

Local councils — Units of Popular Power — are being set up in the hope that their members, and the small groups they represent, will take responsibility for changing their lives.

By Renaud Lambert Le Monde diplomatique September 2006 (more…)

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