September 2006

by Jeff Cohen 9/22/06
Across the U.S. political and media spectrum, there was wide agreement yesterday: Name-calling and personal attacks are bad for national and global dialogue. (more…)

By Robert Parry 9/23/06

The United States is following the lead of “dirty war” nations, such as Argentina and Chile, in enacting what amounts to an amnesty law protecting U.S. government operatives (more…)

Eric Margolis Uruknet 9/19/06

Do not believe what OUR media and politicians are telling us about Afghanistan. Nearly all the information we get about the five-year-old war in Afghanistan comes from US and NATO public relations officers or “embedded” journalists who merely parrot military handouts. (more…)

A Wasted Campaign
By JOSHUA FRANK Counterpunch 9/20/06

One week after Jonathan Tasini was defeated by Hillary Clinton in New York’s Democratic Primary, the career labor organizer and loyal Democrat released a statement about the role his bereaved followers should play in the upcoming election. (more…)

by Martin Weiss 9/18/06

Washington’s Enron-style accounting is now so widespread and so deeply ingrained, the nation could be bankrupt and not even know it. (more…)

A Documentary on State Secrets Privilege & U.S. Whistleblowers

National Security Whistleblowers Coalition press advisory about the documentary: KILL THE MESSENGER (more…)

By JOHN A. MURPHY Counterpunch 9/18/06

When I found myself in Harrisburg two weeks ago surrounded by seven police officers wearing body armor, I have to admit I was a bit taken aback. Seven was probably more than enough to handle a sixty-year-old arthritic. (more…)

Showing Conviction at Echo 9
By BILL QUIGLEY Counterpunch 9/18/06

The Echo 9 launching facility for the intercontinental nuclear missile Minuteman III is about 100 miles northwest of Bismarck, North Dakota. Endless fields of sunflowers and mown hay dazzle those who travel there. (more…)

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