January 2006

Marching Forward

 By Manuel Valenzuela 01/05/06 Information Clearing House

Festering in our midst like a toxic cloud of pollution the army of good Americans exists, living and working among us, inhabiting our neighborhoods and cities, co-existing peacefully with us, though perceiving an utterly different conception of reality than the rest of us (more…)

By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Counterpunch January 2, 2006

Caught in gratuitous and illegal spying on American citizens, the Bush administration has defended its illegal activity (more…)

In spring 2004 I took a class called “Depression Era Movies” and “Gabriel Over the White House” was one of many movies we watched. I wrote my paper about this film because I believe that what was occurring in 1930s USA (and the world) has much to teach us about what is occurring now – if we are willing to listen (more…)

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