Katherine’s Writing

I send good wishes to everyone for the New Year. Let us hope our work for peace and justice pays off in this coming year.


Apologies for the long delay. Here is a summary of Oral Arguments for Appeal in the case of Dr. Rafil Dhafir. Arguments took place at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City, on August 28, 2008 (more…)

There will be no new posts on this website for a few days because the site is being moved to a new server. I would not be able to have this website without the help of Paul Melnikow who set it up and showed me how to post, and has been there when I needed help. And Lisa Goodlin who has also been there these last 4 years and is now taking over as my main technical advisor. I am very grateful to both of them and all the other friends who help me with my technical difficulties.


By Katherine Hughes Radio Essay

I believe it is incumbent upon citizens in a democracy to protect the rights of each other.

As a 14-year old, I watched a documentary of the Allies going into the Nazi concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen at the end of the Second World War. Footage in the documentary showed bulldozers pushing heaps of skeletal bodies into pits and people who were walking cadavers. (more…)

We will not know the decision in Dr. Dhafir’s appeal for several weeks or months. I will soon post a summary of the oral arguments that took place in New York City on August 28, 2008.


The judges are, Guido Calabresi, Sonia Sotomayor, and Barrington Parker.

People attending the hearing are advised that court commences at 10 am sharp in the Ceremonial courtroom on the 9th Floor, at 500 Pearl St, in lower Manhattan. It would be best to be there at 9.40 am at the latest.

About The Appeal
Press Release

It’s Dr. Dhafir’s 60th birthday on August 25th, 2008, three days before his appeal hearing in NYC. To send him birthday wishes and thank him for his humanitarian work, write to him at:

Rafil A. Dhafir
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute
IN 47808

Contact: Katherine Hughes
katherinehugh [at] gmail.com
Dr. Dhafir Support Committee

Syracuse Doctor Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Helping Iraqi People Heads to Appeals Court August 28 in New York City (more…)

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