February 2015


Opposition to President Barack Obama’s request to authorize another endless war in the Middle East continues to build, with progressives charging that the draft resolution is far too broad and anti-war activists mobilizing to defeat the measure. (more…)


Miguel Saucedo grew up in the Latino neighborhood of Little Village in Chicago. Now almost 30, Miguel recalls taking a five-hour drive as an 8-year-old to visit his older brother who was incarcerated downstate at Menard Correctional Center. (more…)

From Citizenfout and Selma to American Sniper

Counterpunch By Henri A. Giroux

America’s addiction to violence is partly evident in the heroes it chooses to glorify. (more…)


TomDispatch By Rebecca Gordon

Back in August 2014, Obama explained the urge of the top figures in the Bush administration to torture “some folks” this way: “I understand why it happened. I think it’s important, when we look back, to recall how afraid people were when the twin towers fell.” So naturally, in those panicked days, the people in charge had little choice but to order the waterboarding, wall-slamming, and rectal rehydration of whatever possible terrorists (and innocents) the CIA got their hands on. (more…)


As a Muslim and former US Marine, I am both deeply offended and disgusted by State Rep. Molly White’s ignorant and bigoted comment made on January 29, via social media. White, a freshman Republican member of the Texas Legislature, had the audacity to write:

Today is Texas Muslim Capital Day . . . I did leave an Israeli flag on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America and our laws. We will see how long they stay in my office. (more…)

Independent U.K.

A family of three young Muslims has been shot dead in their home in a quiet neighbourhood of North Carolina in the US. (more…)

The Intercept

Are you, your family or your community at risk of turning to violent extremism? That’s the premise behind a rating system devised by the National Counterterrorism Center, according to a document marked For Official Use Only and obtained by The Intercept. (more…)


A group of civil rights advocates is suing the cities of Ferguson and Jennings, Missouri for unconstitutional incarceration and policing practices that they say have helped turn the city’s jails into “debtors’ prisons.” (more…)

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