July 2012

Glenn Greenwald Salon

Huffington Post publishes, and then deletes, a post by a MeK spokesman. What does this tell us about Terrorism? (more…)

Barry Sussman

The Federal conviction rate in the United States of America has now reached the improbable rate of 99%. (more…)


Across the country, cash-strapped cities and counties are throwing poor defendants in jail for failing to pay legal debts that they can never hope to manage. On Monday, theNew York Times told the story of Gina Ray, whose $179 speeding ticket mushroomed into $3,170 in fines and fees and 40 days in jail when she couldn’t afford to pay it. (more…)

Harper’s Magazine

Henry Crumpton spent twenty-four years in the CIA’s clandestine service. His work put him at the forefront of the agency’s counterterrorism efforts, and on the front lines as America took on the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan following 9/11. His recently published recollections offer an exceptionally deep glimpse into the CIA’s counterterrorism operations in the last decade of the twentieth century. (more…)

Glenn Greenwald interviewed about the American Surveillance State (more…)

Guardian U.K.

Iceland’s government warns me not to visit the US, which tried to hack my Twitter account: Julian Assange has legitimate fears (more…)

Suicide is the dark side of the student lending crisis and, despite all the media attention to the issue of student loans, it has been severely under-reported. (more…)

The Nation

I had first come across Suleiman’s case in 2006. At that time my work at the British legal charity Reprieve involved searching for information about prisoners who had been “disappeared” by the United States in the “war on terror.” (more…)

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