November 2011

John Pilger

Alameda Park is Mexico City’s languid space for lovers and open-air ballroom dancers: the gents in two-tone shoes, the ladies in finery and heels (more…)

Spencer Ackerman Wired

The Pentagon’s far-out research agency and its brand new military command for cyberspace have a confession to make. They don’t really know how to keep U.S. military networks secure. And they want to know: Could you help them out? (more…)

Steve Clemens

I visited Iraq in December 2002 as part of the Iraq Peace Team just a few months before our present long war was reignited the following March. For many of the Iraqi people, economic sanctions, combined with U.S. bombing on average every three days during the Clinton years, were just a continuation of war in a lesser form. (more…)

Five banks that received federal bailout funds during the financial crisis didn’t pay income taxes for one or more years between 2008 and 2010, according to an iWatch News analysis of a new study of tax dodgers. (more…)

In an anonymous industrial park in Virginia, in an unassuming brick building, the CIA is following tweets — up to five million a day. (more…)

Dozens of US corporations paid no federal taxes in recent years, and many received government subsidies despite earning healthy profits, a new study showed Thursday. (more…)

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