August 2011

Paul Craig Roberts  ICH

If Russian Prime Minister Putin’s recent description of America as “a parasite on the world” was reported by the US media, little doubt but that most Americans were infuriated.  We are the virtuous people. (more…)

Scott Peterson Christian Science Monitor

A high-powered array of former top American officials is advocating removal from the US terrorist list of a controversial Iranian opposition group with a long anti-American history. (more…)

Walden Bello Foreign Policy In Focus

Events in Libya and Syria have again brought to the forefront the question of armed humanitarian intervention or the “responsibility to protect.” (more…)

Barbara Ehrenreich TomDispatch

I completed the manuscript for Nickel and Dimedin a time of seemingly boundless prosperity. Technology innovators and venture capitalists were acquiring sudden fortunes, buying up McMansions like the ones I had cleaned in Maine and much larger. (more…)

Cutting workers benefits as a cost-saving measure is a natural part of a market economy when times are bad, but what is particularly outrageous about Verizon’s demands is that the company’s fiscal health is actually rapidly improving and its profits soaring. (more…)

Hamed Aleaziz Mother Jones

The state secrets privilege–perhaps the most powerful weapon in the government’s legal arsenal–has a complicated history. For years, Democrats, including then-Sen. Barack Obama, accused the Bush administration of overusing of the privilege, which allows the government to quash cases that involve national security before a court even hears evidence. (more…)


Chalmers Johnson died on November 20, 2010, but — for me at least — his spirit lives on in the most active of ways.  In his last years at, he regularly chewed over the profligacy of the Pentagon, our unbridled urge for military spending, and our penchant for war-making and war preparations without end. (more…)

John Glaser

The reporting on the U.S. army casualties in the recent downing of a Chinook helicopter by Taliban insurgents is, to put it kindly, inappropriate. (more…)

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