December 2007

[Dr. Dhafir got 22 years for feeding starving children: is this what we call justice?]

…Prosecutors say he paid millions of dollars to Iraqi officials to get an unfair share of contracts connected to the oil-for-food program, which ran from 1996 to 2003. (more…)

Sign this petition at

NYS Department of Conservation, NYS Comptroller,
NYS Attorney General,
County Executive Joanie Mahoney,
Onondaga County Legislators

Onondaga County is rushing ahead to build a pricey $121 million Downtown sewage plant. (more…)

A Visit From the FBI

By SHEMON SALAM Counterpunch 12/1/07

I was visited by the FBI at my residence on Thursday, November 29th. I am an Asian-American Muslim Man. I am an anti-war activist who believes that United States military has no business in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. (more…)

By John Pilger Information Clearing House 11/30/07

What has changed in the way we see the world? For as long as I can remember, the relationship of journalists with power has been hidden behind a bogus objectivity and notions of an “apathetic public” that justify a mantra of “giving the public what they want.” (more…)

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