February 2007

Dr. Dhafir is recently transferred to the Communication Management Unit (CMU) at Terre Haute FCI, Indiana. Prisoners in this program are almost exclusively Muslim/Arab and they are being held entirely seperate from the general prison population. A letter from Dr. Dhafir about his transfer and conditions in the new program is available here.

Notice to inmates of reasons for transfer to the CMU. (more…)

McCain to Wounded Soldiers

By Tom Kerr Counterpunch 2/7/07

Although I am not a former POW, a battle-scarred veteran, or an active duty soldier laying my life on the line for my country, I am a human being who has experienced love (of life, of freedom, of family) and loss. As a human being, I feel devastated by the loss of life, limb and peace of mind suffered by all soldiers and civilians in war. (more…)

Over the Cliff with George and Dick?
by Tom Engelhardt Tomdispatch.com 2/9/07

Let me make an argument about Bush administration Iran policy — about the possibility that a regime-change-style, shock-and-awe air assault might someday be launched on Iranian nuclear facilities and associated targets — based on no insider knowledge, just the logic of George-and-Dick’s Thelma-and-Louise-style imperialism. (more…)

By Paul Craig Roberts ICH 2/9/07

Gentle reader, you are probably unaware of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski’s damning indictment of the Bush Regime in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 1, 2007, as the United States no longer has a media–only a government propaganda ministry. (more…)

By Ed Kinane ICH 2/9/07
[Katherine: Ed Kinane is a member of the Dr. Dhafir Support Committee Advisory Board.]

A man is raping a woman. He has been raping the woman off and on for many years. Despite her vigorous resistance, for the past four years he rapes her relentlessly. He occupies her body. He shares her with his friends. (more…)

ZDNet News, via NewsEdge Corporation 2/6/07

The Justice Department is completing rules to allow the collection of DNA from most people arrested or detained by federal authorities, a vast expansion of DNA gathering that will include hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, by far the largest group affected. (more…)

By William Fisher Truthout 2/9/07

The Bush administration’s penchant for privatizing virtually all government operations has combined with the current furor over border security to create another perfect storm – this time for suspected illegal immigrants. (more…)

By Bill Simpich Truthout 2/8/07

First Lt. Ehren Watada knew exactly what his case was about – and that scared the judge.

There was absolutely no reason to stop the Watada trial. (more…)

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