April 2006

22-23 April 2006

 US policy in Iraq: A War Launched to Erase both the Culture and Future of the Iraqi people (more…)

Below is Ed Kinane’s Court Statement on the charge of Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct for holding a banner saying “STOP THE KILLING!” in a House Approprations Committee hearing (more…)

As a concerned individual I attended almost all of the seventeen-week trial of Dr. Rafil Dhafir (more…)

Another Injustice to a U.S. Muslim

MacGregor Eddy, an activist retired nurse, was recently tried for her protests at the Vandenburg Air Force Base (more…)

by Bob Nichols 3/26/06 GlobalResearch.ca

Nine days after the start of the American president’s 2003 “shock and awe” uranium bombing campaign in Baghdad, an invisible radioactive uranium oxide gas cloud swept through Britain’s towns and countryside (more…)

While the US remains committed to hunting down al-Qaeda operatives, it is now taking the battle to new fronts. Deep within the Pentagon, technologies are being deployed to wage the war on terror on the internet, in newspapers and even through mobile phones (more…)

Just as Germans were complicit in the crimes of their government not that very long ago, so too are we American citizens complicit in the crimes of our own government.

By Mike Ferner 03/21/06 (more…)

France Shows the Way

By RON JACOBS March 31, 2006 Counterpunch

Back in the 1990s, when I was part of a union organizing effort at the University of Vermont, one of the assumptions expressed by the school’s administration was the inevitability of the university’s continuing corporatization  (more…)

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