Tue 26 Feb 2013
Links to more information on the case of Dr. Rafil Dhafir
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , DemocracyNo Comments
Dhafir Case Summary and chronology of articles/letters/emails about the case. Press release for 10th Anniversary events.
The End of Justice in America, John Pilger, New Statesman U.K.
Katherine’s most recent article on the case is available here and also for free download as an e-book (24 pages).  It documents the  government’s duplicity, step-by-step, for prosecution of this case.
Humanitarian Pays With Life for Feeding the Children of Iraq, Katherine Hughes
To be added to a list that receives regular updates on Dr. Dhafir’s case email Katherine Hughes: katherinehugh [at] gmail.com
To write to Dr. Dhafir:
Rafil Dhafir
#11921-052-Unit HB
Federal Medical Center Devens
PO Box 879
Ayer MA 01432