Thu 15 Apr 2010
Reprieve sues the British Government over the two men rendered by the UK to Bagram
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , Globalization/EmpireNo Comments
Reprieve on the Today programme this morning: We launched litigation today to force the UK Government to reveal the identity of the second of two men the British handed over to the US military in 2004. These men are now languishing in the American prison at Bagram airbase, Afghanistan.
Bizarrely, the Government has admitted to handing the two men over to the Americans (resulting in their rendition to Bagram) but refused to reveal their names (on the grounds of data protection!). We’ve been working across continents to track down the men’s identities: last year we worked out who the first man was. We now believe that we have identified the second victim, Yunus Rahmatullah (Saleh), whom we think was imprisoned as a result of mistaken identity.
We launched the litigation at a press conference this morning, so do keep your eyes peeled for more on this — a Times article just came out, which you can read here. Also do visit our website, which we will keep updated on the case.
All the best,
Matt Leidecker
PO Box 52742, London, EC4P 4WS
Tel: 020 7427 1087