Thu 11 Oct 2007
Thank you to all who wrote to the Syracuse Post Standard
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Site AnnouncementsNo Comments
Thank you to all who wrote to the Syracuse Post Standard asking that it publish two letters from the Dr. Dhafir Support Committee and Mohamed Khater, in response to its article about Glen Suddaby being nominated for a judgeship. The Post Standard published the Dr. Dhafir Support Committee letter today, along with a correction to the article. We appreciate this and hope they will also publish Mohamed Khater’s letter.
* A list of the Dr. Dhafir Support Committee Advisory Board is available here.
* Forthcoming, an article about the Dr. Dhafir/Help the Needy case and other Muslim charities in post 9/11 U.S.A. will be published by the National Lawyers Guild, “Denial of Due Process to Muslims Disgraces Us All.” It will be available on this website at the end of October/beginning of November.
* See also, Jeanne Finley’s OpEd in the Albany Gazette, Suddaby Doesn’t Deserve Federal Judgeship.