Wed 14 May 2014
Glenn Greenwald on NSA Bugging Tech Hardware, Economic Espionage & Spying on U.N.
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy1 Comment
Nearly a year after he first met Edward Snowden, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald continues to unveil new secrets about the National Security Agency and the surveillance state (more…)
September 25th, 2014 at 8:01 am
Edward Snowden is neither spy nor tratoir. To say so is to be misinformed about the law and to slander his name. He is a whistleblower which at one time was sanctioned by Congress. The average citizen is unaware of the level of surveilance and criminalizing of outspoken citizens. PLEASE do your research before forming an opinion. There has never been this level of secrecy . In the name of terrorism and the fear it generates, many are being cowed to believing the violation of their human rights and protections under the constitution are justified. Not so. Fear breeds fear. Concern for all our safety is reasonable though not at the cost of our basic human rights. Stay informed, Demand Congress start dialogue with American people about what they are doing. What protections exist if any . There has been thus far, no conversation, no information and no oversight. This is unacceptable in a democracy. Peace to us all as we explore this important issue. May we work together in kindness and mutual regard as we move forward.