All Day Educational Event in Knowing and Defending
Our Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Date: October 30, 2010
Time: 10 A.M — 5:00 P.M
Location: Marcus White Living room, Marcus White Building
Central Connecticut State University (CCSU)


Corey Saylor             CAIR’s National Government Relations Director
Stephen F. Downs      Project SALAM
Stephan Salisbury      Philadelphia Inquirer and Author of
Mohammed’s Ghosts
Sara Martin               Victim of the latest FBI raids in Minneapolis

– Ryan Mahomey          The Conspiratorial Fantasy of Islamic        
Extremism in America

– Chris Gauvreau         United National Antiwar Committee and CT United for Peace

Since 9/11 the Muslim community has experienced increasing levels of discriminatory invasive and abusive conduct by federal agents. On September 24th 2010, the FBI raided two homes in Chicago, and five homes in Minneapolis, along with the Anti-War Committee office. Armed and threatening, the FBI turned people’s homes upside down and took their computers, cell phones, documents, newspapers, framed photos and children’s art work.

Join us to learn the history, the tactics and how to address these abuses, protect our communities, and defend our civil rights and civil liberties.

For more information call Mongi Dhaouadi at 860 514 8038 or Chris Gauvreau at 860 478 5300