For a free sample copy of the latest Nuclear Resister newsletter, send your postal address to or call 520-323-8697.

Dear friends,
Here is the good news: In spite of growing repression in the U.S., resistance to nukes and war continues unabated. And you can read all about it in the 150th issue of the Nuclear Resister. (Wow, 150! That’s a lot of mailing parties and all-nighters!)

Try as you might you will not get such comprehensive tracking and info in such factual and needed categories of resistance in one periodical… Not only have so many of us benefitted from the coverage and data of events and prisoners, but we are simply and boldly inspired (maybe conspired, as well, now that it occurs to me) … Helping the Nuke Resister goes multi-fold into pro-active, non-violent witness. – Fr. Steve Kelly, SJ

In this issue you will find stories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversary actions, of courageous military refusers who risk time in military prison rather than fight in an illegal war, people with peace banners climbing atop a B-52 at an airshow in Virginia, updates on whistleblowers in Israel and Denmark, all featured alongside news of people arrested at dozens more anti-war protests in cities across the U.S. And, as always, we list the names and addresses of resisters in prison so you can send them a note of support.

If you want to be “in the know” about anti-nuclear, anti-war and anti-torture actions and imprisoned activists, I can’t think of a better source to recommend than The Nuclear Resister. It’s a must! – Betsy Lamb

The bad news is that times are tough all around. Like the financial market, donations and subscriptions have been down, down, down. Summers are always slow, and every four years the Presidential huckstering makes it worse.

Thanks to the couple of people who were able to provide an emergency donation, we were able to get this issue to you.

It’s a heck of a time to be asking you or anyone but the Secretary of the Treasury for money, but we must. $700 billion? We’ll be grateful for 700 cents, if you can spare it!

On top of this, previously stable printing costs have risen sharply, and together with steadily rising postal rates and general inflation, it is necessary to increase our subscription cost for the first time in over ten years, to $25 for six issues. It was a hard decision to make, but we really could no longer avoid the necessity. (We continue to offer a low income U.S. rate at $15)

But our bottom line is bolder than any accountant’s, and it is this:

Activists need to keep connected and support each other as they continue to engage in resistance, go to trial and possibly spend time in jail.

The Nuclear Resister exists to facilitate and encourage that connectedness and support . It’s what we helped to do for four friends, Ft. Huachuca prisoners of conscience who were locked up a year ago for two to five months for their witness against torture. It’s the words of Louie, Steve, Betsy and Jerry that are woven into this letter.

“Courage, Sister, (Courage, Brother), you do not walk alone. We will walk with you and sing your spirit home.” The words and melody of this South African chant haunt me as I reflect upon the gift that the Nuclear Resister has been for me and for so many others through these past 28 years. Stories, testimonies, so carefully reported, friends near and far across the seas, continue to bring hope to me and, I believe, to our society and to a world so desperately in need of change.
It takes an enormous amount of time, painstaking yet very heartening contacts, and yes! a considerable amount of money to send this valuable “chronicle of hope” to our doorsteps.
As Dorothy Day and many other wise folks of our times have said: “Each of us can do something”. Your contribution to the Nuclear Resister will enable Jack and Felice and others to keep the message going, and to help drive home the good news that none of us in our struggle for a more just world need walk alone, even those in prison for speaking Truth to power.
– Fr. Jerry Zawada, OFM

Thank you for whatever donation you can make to support the continuing work of editing and publishing the Nuclear Resister.

Felice and Jack Cohen-Joppa

The Nuclear Resister is the one periodical that I read page to page, every word. Not only is it exciting and most informative (very up to date and accurate), but it is also the voice of the movement.
I feel that we all have a special heartspace for our prisoners of conscience and we want to be bonded with them. The Nuclear Resister is the only media source to keep us connected. It’s indispensable. We need you – keep the paper coming!
– Fr. Louie Vitale, OFM

P.S. Please help by emailing this letter to friends or a related listserve you’re part of.

P.P.S. If you are interested in making a monthly or quarterly contribution to the Nuclear Resister via automated deposit from your bank or credit union, please contact us for details.

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Print and return this completed form with your payment to
the Nuclear Resister
P.O. Box 43383
Tucson, AZ 85733
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