Tue 10 Jun 2008
Belfast Telegraph U.K. 6/10/08
Former Democratic presidential contender, Dennis Kucinich, has called for the impeachment of George W Bush claiming that the president set out to deceive the nation, and violated his oath of office with the Iraq war.
The Ohio representative yesterday introduced 35 articles of impeachment against Bush on the floor of the US House of Representatives. (more…)
June 11th, 2008 at 10:41 am
Maybe you applaud Dennis Kucinich but I’m betting you don’t live in his congressional district as I do. Let me inform you from firsthand experience that Rep. Kucinich is a total & complete (yes I know its redundant) failure to his district. While he’s been on his constant egotistical runs for the Democratic nomination that he knew he had no chance of winning he left his district & his constituents to languish in the backwaters while he jetted around the country appearing on all the news shows and some late night TV programs too. He’s wasted millions of tax payer dollars to fund his own ego while neglecting the real reason he was elected to the house which is help Ohio’s 10th district, something he apparently forgot about. Now he’s off and running with this silly impeachment thing with only one goal in mind “More National Exposure” to feed his ever hungry craving for the limelight. He is not a patriot. He’s just a little man trying to make himself look bigger. He needs to start paying attention to us, the constituents of his congressional district and quit trying to become a TV star.