Fri 25 Jan 2008
A New Section On This Website: “Much More About This Case”
Posted by k under Katherine's Writing , Site AnnouncementsNo Comments
I’m currently compiling a chronological list of; letters to the paper, articles and other writing of relevance, to Dr. Dhafir’s case. My hope is that this will be an easy way for people to see at a glance what they might like to follow up on.
Below, as an example of what this list contains, is a January, 2005, email from me, Katherine Hughes, to John O’Brien, the journalist who covered Dr. Dhafir’s case for the Post-Standard. I attempted to explain to John why I was attending the trial:
Dear John
I’ve spent a lot of the day thinking about our conversation earlier today. Sometime, if you like, we should have a conversation “off the record” and I can explain to you my perspective, which is a global one. This case for me is not about Dr. Dhafir, per se, it’s about civil liberties in this country and around the world. Because of where I think we are heading, I’m glad I don’t have children.
Read the complete email, or, go directly to the chronological list of writings about the case.