Tue 12 Jun 2007
I highly recommend this audio, USA vs. Al-Arian, with a diversity of voices from the case. Dr. Al-Arian was arrested the week before Dr. Dhafir and held without bail. He faced charges of terrorism and was acquitted after a six-month trial. Despite being acquitted, the government continues to hold him. People featured in the audio are Linda Moreno (one of Al-Arian’s lawyers), a juror, a Fox news producer, a pastor, Al-Arian’s son and others.
The pastors (who speaks in part 3 of the audio) asks people to send post cards to John Conyers’ office urging him to investigate cases like Al-Arian’s where the jury has thrown out “terrorist” casee. Please write to ask John Conyers to include in the investigation people who, like Rafil, faced other charges in court but are touted as “wins” on the “war on terror.”
Write to John Conyers, the new chairman of the Judiciary Committee (http://judiciary.house.gov/), and tell him about Rafil’s case and urge him to look into this injustice.
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr
2426 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5126
(202) 225-0072 Fax