By Robert Thompson AxisofLogic 6/12/06

I live in a reasonably civilised state, where I have a vote, and where I can, within legal limits which I fully accept, say and write what I want and I am also free to agree or disagree with others, whether here or elsewhere.
This gives me the freedom to try to do good for my brothers and sisters throughout the world, or, sadly, to do them harm by either action or inaction.
My feeling is that, if I do not express my views in favour of justice and try to explain them to the general public, I become guilty of neglect. This is the explanation of almost all the articles which I write for publication as widely as possible.
I have had my turn at being well-known throughout the world in legal circles, and thus do not feel any need to seek fame or empty renown of any sort. On the other hand, I am aware that many wish above all to make themselves famous and that a substantial proportion of these people do not hesitate to argue in favour of manifest injustice.
Some have criticised me for constantly arguing in favour of the Palestinian people, who have become the victims of the same kind of persecution as that meted out by the Nazis to those whom they classified as being “Jews”. I make no apology for these constant arguments and feel that it is my duty to humanity to speak out for a people who are often dismissed by so many in the “West” as being terrorists. The efficiency of the propagandists working on behalf of their persecutors is amazing, and it seems time that we should all with great care examine the facts. If we were to accept, as do so many in the “West”, the arguments of these propagandists, we would believe that those whose lands have been invaded are themselves the invaders.
Those of us who do not even take the trouble to examine events around the world, especially where they involve injustice for the weak and unprotected, have to accept that we are guilty of neglecting our brothers and/or sisters, since all humanity is one.
It is time for the rulers of the world to examine their consciences, and to resolve to do good, but I have to admit that, from my experience, they prefer to look the other way. No man or woman is so great that he or she is not bound by justice, and those who continually act to initiate or perpetuate injustice should be judged on their failings.
It is deeply sad to hear and read that such and such a political personality, who had at some point in time seemed to offer hope to his or her country and to the world, should reach a stage in his or her development where we see a hardening of resolve to commit crimes and other misdeeds. This thought was brought to my mind over the past few days by a young Canadian correspondent who told me that she had once had high hopes of Mr Anthony Blair, but that his criminality as a follower of Mr George W. Bush had greatly upset her. I thank her for this inspiration and fully understand her point of view. Indeed, I feel it a valuable thing for each of us to examine our own conscience to see if we have failed, however humble our position in life, to live as we should have done, or whether we have perhaps allowed greed or desire to lead a comfortable life or even sheer laziness to overcome our innate sense of right and justice. We have a duty to overcome such failures, and it is no good saying that there is no point in making a fuss about any injustice because the world will take no notice. We cannot tell how much effect our voice in favour of justice will have, but it is better to make an effort than just to shrug one’s shoulders and do nothing.
If I did not say and write what I think, then I would most properly feel guilty. We are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, even if we are seen by the world, as I undoubtedly am, as being an unimportant old man on crutches and suffering from a serious illness. In other words, I shall go on refusing to be quiet and to allow injustice to be committed without condemning it, wherever it may take place and whatever may be the supposed importance of the person or persons misbehaving.
This leads me to write to rulers (including our own) and others to ask them to behave decently, and it is not a failure on my part if they ignore what I argue if others are inspired to act to do what they can to put things right. No-one in the world has the right to believe that he or she is above criticism, not even the supposedly most powerful men and women in the world. Those who consider themselves to be above the normal human duty to act with justice and decency are a danger not only to the world but also to themselves.
I beg all who are kind enough to read these words to ensure that they are not guilty of neglecting the needs of their fellow human beings, and also to speak out to condemn injustice wherever it may occur.
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