April 2015


Pointing to egregious examples of Fortune 500 corporations “manipulating the tax system to avoid paying even a dime in tax on billions of dollars in U.S. profits,” a new report from Citizens for Tax Justice makes a sharp case for corporate tax reform. (more…)

In August 2010, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Domestic Terrorism Analysis Unit distributed an intelligence bulletin to all field offices warning that environmental extremism would likely become an increasing threat to the energy industry. (more…)


HBO’s Last Week Tonight took its act on the road this week as host John Oliver traveled to Russia to interview America’s most famous whistleblower, Edward Snowden, where he suggested the American expat stoke fears about the NSA looking at “dick pics” in order to generate concerns about government surveillance at home. (more…)


CIA insiders objected to the arrest, rendition, and torture of Syrian-born Canadian Maher Arar, but high-ranking officials ignored concerns that they were punishing an innocent man, according to former spy and whistleblower John Kiriakou in an interview with theCanadian Press. (more…)

As punishment for insubordination, Dr. Dhafir’s personal items have been taken from him for 30 days. A letter he wrote to a prison official was perceived by the recipient as condescending, even though Dr. Dhafir did not intend it to be. He asks our help to alleviate some of the major impact this is having on him, particularly his health.


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