A college professor from St. Louis, Missouri has released research claiming that the U.S. Army conducted secret Cold War tests by spraying toxic radioactive chemicals on cities like St. Louis and Corpus Christi. (more…)
October 2012
Thu 4 Oct 2012
U.S. military’s secret experiment sprayed radiation on low-income housing
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , DemocracyNo Comments
Thu 4 Oct 2012
Iceland’s Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , Democracy , FinanceNo Comments
So Iceland decided not to follow the rest of the world by bailing out the bankers. Instead, they chose to arrest them. Now their economy is recovering faster than the EU and the United States. (more…)
Thu 4 Oct 2012
The Secret GOP-Dem Effort to Shut Out Third Parties
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , DemocracyNo Comments
Do you know to what extent the corporate-sponsored presidential debates are rigged via secret agreements between the Democrats and Republicans? (more…)
Wed 3 Oct 2012
Wed 3 Oct 2012
The elderly will soon make up a third of the population in more than 60 countries, according to the UN.
But even in wealthy nations like the United States, many seniors do not get the care they need, where one in seven seniors are living in poverty. (more…)
Mon 1 Oct 2012
Iraqi-American is imprisoned by US for saving his family from US sanctions
Posted by k under Civil LibertiesNo Comments
Glenn Greenwald Guardian U.K.
A harrowing case of a Missouri engineer highlights the travesties routinely imposed on Muslim Americans (more…)
Mon 1 Oct 2012
David Swanson ICH
Not long ago, I attended a speech by Obama, along with thousands of his adoring cheerleaders formerly known as citizens. I asked him to stop killing people in Afghanistan, and the Secret Service asked me to leave. (more…)
Mon 1 Oct 2012
Activists warned to watch what they say as social media monitoring becomes ‘next big thing in law enforcement’
Posted by k under Civil Liberties , DemocracyNo Comments
Political activists must watch what they say on the likes of Facebook and Twitter, sites which will become the “next big thing in law enforcement”, a leading human rights lawyer has warned. (more…)